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Healthy assortment of yellow foods

It´s not necessary to weigh the food or count calories to maintain a healthy weight and good health, nor to achieve desirable goals in weight loss.

Start a lasting lifestyle change today -
I will happily take part in your journey! 

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Food blog

Online consultation

To make it easier and more accessible, online diet consultation is offered . This helps to deliver effective and personalised health services to you, while you relax in the comfort of your homeno matter where you live!

Online konsultasjon
Investment Chart

Dietary analysis

Do you give your body what it

needs to function optimally? ​​

  • Detailed analysis of the diet.  

  • Calculation of energy needs.

  • Increased awareness of one's own eating behavior.

  • Personalized dietary advice.

Food Blogger

First consultation

Knowledge based

dietary guidance​​

  • A thorough conversation about diet and eating habits where we map out your challenges.  

  • Dietary advice especially related to your unique wishes and state of health.

Colorful Food

Follow-up consultation

Motivation and knowledge 
on the journey

  • Assessment of the need for changes and adjustments in the plan.  

  • We set new goals. 

Skog, knsultasjon

What is a healthy diet?

First comes knowing - then comes choice

We can often have conflicting attitudes when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle; we know what is good for our health, but we don´t always act accordingly.  


As your personal dietician, I aim to repair the gap between - knowing and - performing , by meeting your unique desires . Whether it is the administration of a diet-related condition (diabetes, IBS, allergies, intolerance ), weight loss or weight control , or the development of a healthy relationship with food and eating habits.

Sensible Nutrition -

focus on a healthy functioning body.

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